Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Mom and Dad

My mom and dad are both gone now and at times I miss them terribly. Not when things are bad, but when times are good. That's when I want to share my joy with them. I had a perfect childhood. As an only child, I had all the advantages of a middle class life. We went on vacations to Florida every summer, we had good food, we had lots of love in the house. I was never abused or molested, I was not neglected, I was not ignored. The most trying times were good times. I thought having to wear a homemade dress to school was awlful. Now I'd give anything to have one of mom's dresses. Sometimes Dad made shit-on-a-shingle (creamed spam on toast). They didn't make me eat it, though. I got a grilled cheese sandwich or maybe french toast instead. Spoiled but not rotten. I recently tried to look up my ancesters on the internet but didn't find much. My mom's parents were John William Watkins and Alice Luealer Whitener. My Dad's were Charlie Boling and Georgia Clayton. I hope to find out more when I have time.